Haiku: 10

You asked, “Visit me?”

and I knew I never would

but I said “I will”


Filed under sangretti

15 responses to “Haiku: 10

  1. leoparadise

    I really liked this one :)

  2. This happens so often, perfect haiku moment, I wish people would say as they do and speak with one voice :) Maire

  3. “let’s do lunch”
    three words expressed – heard

  4. Ron

    Great. I need to do more of them. BTW, thank you for following my blog. I am humbled and honored.

  5. floridaborne

    I’m sending your blog to my son, the poet in the family. He writes in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Brilliant! I’m not even a huge Haiku fan, but this is impressive…and I’ve done it too many times…

  7. Hi. Thanks for liking my poem ‘no Choice’. Best Wishes, The Foureyed Poet.

  8. Genie

    Reminds me of: “How are you”, to which when asked, the person asking does not want an answer.

  9. I can almost feel the guilt

  10. Thanks for liking “going blank,” for following my blog, and for your poetry. Hope other quips interest you. All the best in all your writing.

  11. True haiku:) (And *thank you* for the “like” at my blog!

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